14 al 18 de Noviembre 2022 - La Plata - Jujuy, Argentina
Dra. Norma Sammán
Facultad de Ingeniería - CIITED - UNJu - CONICET, Jujuy, Argentina
Dra. Mabel Tomás
CIDCA - UNLP - CONICET, La Plata, Argentina
Dra. Loreto Muñoz
Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura - UCEN, Santiago, Chile
Dra. Claudia Mónika Haros
Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de Alimentos - CSIC, Valencia, España
Dra. Ana Laura Mosso
Facultad de Ingeniería UNJu - CONICET
Lunes 14 de noviembre
Edificio Karakachoff - Aula 105 - Universidad Nacional de la Plata
Turno Mañana
Octavio Paredes-López (CINVESTAV - México)
Agrobiotechnology – Some Selected Cases in Latinamerica. Latinoamerican Crops of high potential
Susana Vilariño (Algodonera del Sur, España)
Nutritional status of micropropagated plantlets of two varieties of Stevia rebaudiana Bert. under different culture conditions
Luciano Guardianelli (CIDCA, Argentina)
Effect of germination on the nutritional profile of white and red quinoa seed flours
Julio Rueda (CIITED- UNJu, Argentina)
Quinoa starch esterification: a chemical, morphological and molecular approach
Turno Tarde
Alejandra Giménez (CIITED-UNJu - Argentina)
Utilization of hydrothermally treated flours in gluten-free dough
Pedro Maldonado-Alvarado (EPN, Ecuador)
Gluten-free couscous made from quinoa sprouts: study of shelf life
María Carolina Zúñiga-López (UCHILE, Chile)
Evaluation and comparison of the antioxidant capacity of leaf extracts of various genotypes of chia and amaranth dried with different conditions
Luciana Julio (CIDCA, Argentina)
Chia oil-in-water nano-emulsions produced by microfluidization
Agustín González (UNC, Argentina)
Chia oil microencapsulation by spray drying using modified soy protein as wall material
Laura Mereles (UNA, Paraguay)
Obtaining integral kurugua flour with antioxidant potential as ingredients foodstuffs
E. Di Marco, V. Y. Ixtaina and M. C. Tomás
Molecular encapsulation of hydrolyzed chia seed oil by ultrasonically treated amylose inclusion complexes
C. N. Copado, L. M. Julio, B. W.K. Diehl, V. Y. Ixtaina and M. C. Tomás
Characterization of three-layer microcapsules of chia seed oil obtained for electrostatic deposition technology
E. N. Guiotto, S. M. Nolasco and M. C. Tomás
Quality assessment on semi-defatted chia (Salvia hispanica L.) flour during storage
E. B. Coronel, V. Y. Ixtaina and M. I. Capitani
Physicochemical and functional characterization of unconventional flours and chia expeller with potential application in the formulation of gluten-free foods
M. E. Rodríguez, R. Lobo, M. Acreche, V. Castaldo, M. Pérez, A. Schneider Teixeira, L. Deladino and V. Ixtaina
Characterization and agronomic evaluation of chia germoplasm in La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
M. G. Bordón, F. Chiarin, R. Bruschini, N. Camacho, H. Severini, M. L. Martínez, S. Palma and P. D. Ribotta
Preparation of corn starch nanoparticles by wet-stirred media milling for chia oil vehiculization
P. Montoya, E. Calandri, F. Grasso and A. Mujica
Physical Chemistry study of ten Peruvian quinoa seeds and their Argentinian offspring
H. Calderón-Bravo, L. Zura, F. Stegmaier and L. Muñoz
Comparative evaluation of the hypoglycemic effect of partially defatted chia and basil seed flour in an in vitro digestion system
H. Calderón-Bravo, L. Zura, T. Herrera, F. Stegmaier, L. Puente-Diaz and L. Muñoz
Nutritional characterization of partially defatted chia and basil seeds flour: Proteins, amino acids profile, and minerals
A. Athineou, S. Aja, C. M. Haros
Nutritional characterization of ancestral organic wheats: emmer, khorasan and spelt
S. Aja and C. M. Haros
Nutritional and technological properties of fresh pasta enriched with chia coproducts
H. Marcos-Pasero, A. Bojarczuk, C.M. Haros and J.M. Laparra
Immunonutritional benefits of Chenopodium quinoa’s ingredients preventing obesity-derived metabolic imbalances
J. F. Valenzuela Zamudio and M. R. Segura Campos
Amaranth and Chia: Two strategic ancestral grains for Mexico’s sustainability
S. S. Fernandes, M. M. Salas-Melladoa and M. R. Segura
Evaluation of the technological characteristics of chia nanoemulsion during storage
J. López, R. Villalba, S. Caballero, E. Coronel, P. Piris and L. Mereles
Chaco prickly pear (Cereus forbesii Otto ex C.F. Först) an ancient source of nutrients, antioxidants and dietary fiber in the diet of indigenous populations and its potential application as an ingredient in derived products
Y. Pampamallco Gallegos, P. D. Barrantes Colquehuanca, W. Paredes Ugarte, A. G. Viza Salas and L. A. Aguirre Florez
Preparation of a nutritious drink from chia (Salvia hispanica Lameacea) and quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd) Sprouts, determination of antioxidant capacity and microbiological quality
Martes 15 de noviembre
Edificio Karakachoff - Aula 105 - Universidad Nacional de la Plata
Turno Mañana
Justo Pedroche (Instituto de la Grasa-CSIC, España)
The immunomodulatoy and antioxidant properties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) protein hydrolysates
María Cristina Añón (CIDCA, Argentina)
Are amaranth grain peptides able to benefit the cardiovascular system?
Mónica Parisi (UNLu, Argentina)
Production and characterization of antithrombotic hydrolyzates from chia expeller
Turno Tarde
Maira Segura Campos (UADY, México)
In silico prediction of peptide variants from S. hispanica with antimicrobial and antibiofilm potential
Claudia Mónika Haros (IATA-CSIC, España)
Substitution of critical ingredients of cookie products to increase nutritional value
Martín Torrez (CIDCA, Argentina)
Development of a ready-to-eat food from freeze-dried quinoa seed
Adriana Scilingo (CIDCA, Argentina)
Amaranth: potential bioactive foods elaborated with an ancestral seed
Nancy Chasquibol (ULIMA, Perú)
A Red and Gray beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), protein hydrolysates. Food protypes with pota (Dosidicus gigas) by-product meal
Pedro Maldonado-Alvarado (EPN, Ecuador)
The effect of quinoa germination on its nutritional properties
Miércoles 16 de noviembre
Facultad de Ingeniería - Anfiteatro - Universidad Nacional de Jujuy
Turno Tarde
Daniel Roisinblit (FCA - UNJu, Argentina)
Management of genetic resources for the development
Mariana Quiroga (IPAF-INTA Honillos, Argentina)
Valorization of Andean beans in indigenous communities of the Quebrada de Humahuaca
Claudia Mónika Haros (IATA-CSIC, España)
Substitution of critical ingredients of cookie products to increase nutritional value
Nancy Chasquibol (IDIC, ULima, Perú)
A Red and Gray beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), protein hydrolysates. Food protypes with pota (Dosidicus gigas) by-product meal
Susana Jerez (INSIBIO, UNT-CONICET, Argentina)
Study of the residue from Salvia hispanica (chia) seed oil extraction by cold pressing for repurposing as functional food to prevent metabolic syndrome
Emilia Raimondo (UMaza, Argentina)
Preparation of fresh noodles with chia and amaranth
Martín M. Acreche ( EEA Salta - INTA - CONICET Argentina )
Ecophysiological bases of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) grain yield
I. A. Gremasqui, M. A. Giménez, C. N. Segundo, M. O. Lobo and N. C. Sammán
Physicochemical and textural properties of protein cookies made with hydrolyzed quinoa flour
S. V. Abarza and G.E. Aracena
Limitations of amaranth cultivation in the Kolla Aboriginal Community of Finca Tumbaya, Tumbaya (Jujuy, Argentina)
S. V. Abarza, D. A. Choque and M. Mendez
Characteristics of the Culli Maize crop and perception of the presence of anthocyanin by family farmers in the Quebrada de Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina
G.E. Aracena, S. V. Abarza and J. Schimpf
Productive strategy of cañihua cultivation in the face of climate change for human and animal nutrition in the arid and semi-arid zones of Jujuy
R. Miranda, A. Amaya, M. Lobo and N. Sammán
Textural properties of dough and bread elaborated with native flours and added with extruded integral flours of Andean maize
C. Motta, A. S. Matos, R. Assunção, A. Cláudia, C. Martins, P. Alvito and I. Castanheira
Effect of cooking on the content and bioaccessibility of minerals in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) and amaranth (Amaranthus sp.)
Jueves 17 de noviembre
IPAF - INTA Hornillos Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar MAIMARÁ, JUJUY
Turno Tarde
Mariana Quiroga (IPAF-INTA Honillos, Argentina)
The National Institute for Agriculture Technology´s strategie for andean grains development in a family farmer context
Mabel C. Tomás - Vanesa Ixtaina (CIDCA-FCE UNLP, Argentina)
Trends for preserving functional compounds of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) by delivery systems
Cyntia Salinas (FI-UNJu - CIITED-CONICET Argentina )
Obtaining a functional food from Andean grains through lactic acid fermentation
Viernes 18 de noviembre
Turno Tarde
Javier Rodríguez Marcelo Besana (Cooperativa CAUQUEVA Jujuy, Argentina)
Proposal of territorial development based on ancestral crops
Natalia Bassett (FI-UNJu - CIITED-CONICET Argentina )
Development of breads fortified in calcium and high protein content through the use of bean flour and regional fruits
Laura Mereles (Universidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay)
Variations in the composition of “algarrobas” (Prosopis sp.) flours from Paraguayan Chaco
Manuel Lobo (FI-UNJu - CIITED-CONICET, Argentina )
Human resources training and transfer for the development of regional food production chains
Ignacio Mayorga (ALIARG SRL - Jujuy, Argentina)
Use of seeds produced in the NOA in the production of cereal bars: summary of experiences, challenges and opportunities